Taco Lotto (REPLAY)

Have you ever dreamed of winning the lottery?

Today on the show, I’ll tell you about a time when I was in a conversation with an ex-coworker and the subject was about just that — winning the lottery. I’ll share my perspective and what it means to me to have won the lottery.

Taco Lotto (REPLAY)To win the lottery, one has to be extremely lucky. What is luck? It is success or failure brought not by one’s actions but by chance.

In my life, it was like winning the lottery because my parents met each other, made children (had us) and eventually migrated to the US to start a taco truck business.

And, as luck would have it, my parents got into the food business. And not just any food business, they got a taco truck! Talk about being lucky.

And it didn’t stop there!

Ultimately, we are all together because of luck. That is TACO LOTTO!

TAQUOTE: “If you want to make your own luck, you have to start by warming up your own tortillas!”

A big thanks to Flobama, Screech Beats and CZRMGA for the theme song!

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Podcast Publish Date: January 21, 2020