Season 3 preview – Meet FACO

Season 3 preview - Meet FACO

As we get ready to launch Season 3 of 10,000 TACOS, we introduce you to a new character on the show. It’s a fictional character by the name of FACO or FACOS – if you bunch them all together.

FACO(s) represents the people who make it a habit to misrepresent what a TACO really is. But it’s not just tacos.

Why are we doing this? Well, it’s because there is a problem. Not a big problem, but it’s not a Chardonnay problem either – meaning it’s not a small problem.

The problem is that there are a lot of people who misrepresent what a TACO is. While doing so, they also distort Mexican cuisine along with the culture. FACO(s) spread falsehoods that eventually become a thing.

Some of the episodes this season will cover some of the following falsehoods:

  1. TAQUITOS – real name: Flautas
  2. Soft Shell Tortilla (Taco)
  3. Tortilla Soup
  4. Taco Seasoning
  5. Mother of all FACOS; Toyota Tacoma

So this season we will be discussing how these FACOS are misrepresenting my TACO LIFE!

Please join us this season, AUGUST 2019, as we discuss these topics in more detail.